Sometimes, you just need a little help to know how to proceed. For example, you have a quantity of belongings to manage and are trying to decide between donating them, having an estate sale, or whether any should be sent to auction. It would certainly help if you just had a better idea of what they are worth.
This is where a walkthrough appraisal can help. Simply put, a walkthrough is when the appraiser walks through your home, warehouse, storage unit, etc and provides an immediate verbal appraisal of whatever is at hand. (Please note that walkthroughs cannot be used for any other intended use other than possible resale / general interest.)
We will make arrangements as to when I can come by to do the walkthrough. Depending on how much you have, it can be between 1-3 hours. We will move through the space, room by room, and I can provide a verbal estimate of value. You can indicate the items you would like a valuation for. You are free to take notes if you would like, but I will not provide any written documentation.
I charge a flat $250 for walkthroughs. If you have more than 200 items to be included in the walkthrough, there will be an added charge depending on the total number of items.